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Optimizing medical admin.

Low-code apps help revamp application landscape and create efficiencies

Outdated systems as a stumbling block

The Belgian company Easytocare takes medical professionals completely out of the hands of processing their paper and digital administration. The company wanted to further optimize its services but outdated systems made that difficult and complex. Bizzomate therefore built several new applications based on Mendix low-code and trained the internal IT team. Thanks to the new applications, work is now much more efficient at Easytocare. Also, because the IT team can now build low-code applications themselves, they are less dependent on outside vendors.

  • Outdated application landscape
    Innovation with Mendix low-code
  • Dependence on suppliers
    Adjustments take a lot of time
  • Need for own development team
    Support for low-code and agile working

Assist in work medical professionals

Easytocare is a non-profit organization that supports companies where medical professionals operate in handling their medical records. Easytocare is active throughout Belgium and there are some 2,000 medical professionals affiliated with it.

They send their treatment summaries to Easytocare. The company processes these statements and verifies that the legal provisions surrounding these treatments have been applied. Easytocare then handles billing to insurers and patients so that medics are paid on time.

Outdated systems
Gert Beliën, Director ICT & Services: “When I started here, I started with an analysis of the application landscape. I quickly discovered that we had several applications for handling this administration. They were outdated, developed in different technologies and crisscrossed over the years. As a result, we had lost the overview and could not work as efficiently as we wanted. In addition, we were dependent on third parties for modifications, which often took a long time to implement. We therefore decided to renew our application landscape and migrate to a modern, robust and easy-to-use Mendix low-code platform to which we could make adjustments ourselves.”

Help with training your own low-code team

Easytocare therefore went looking for a partner with considerable expertise in building Mendix low-code platforms. In addition, the partner also had to be able to roll out agile working in the organization and train employees in developing with Mendix low-code. Beliën: “We wrote out a test case with several Mendix partners. In the end, we chose Bizzomate because their extensive experience with the agile concept and low-code allowed them to train and support our own IT team in developing the new applications.”

Three working apps
Bizzomate then went to work building the new Mendix low-code platform. Five applications should eventually run on this. Easytocare employees were able to provide feedback while the applications were being built, entirely in accordance with agile working methods. This created a lot of involvement in the new platform.

Meanwhile, the first three applications are live. The most important is the MedCore application. It uses available structured data from Belgian laws and regulations on performance in healthcare. MedCore uses this data to compile validation rules so that controls can be applied automatically even if regulations change. This allows employees to immediately see whether a patient is the right age to approve treatment or not, for example. There is also the ability to define custom controls, on top of the legal ones, and have them managed by a functional administrator.

The second application is called MedTar. This is the central interface for administrative staff to process statements sent by medical professionals. This application has a logical workflow so it is easy to use.

MedCon, a third application, was built in-house by Easytocare’s IT team and contains the organization’s key contacts. Two more applications will be added in the future. MedFin will handle the financial settlement of invoices, and MedDoc will in the future support automated document generation.


Digitizing healthcare logistics


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Reduced onboarding time

The applications have now been live for several months and in a short time have become mission-critical for Easytocare. About 20 employees use it daily. Easytocare is very pleased with the new Mendix low-code platform. The new applications completely replace outdated applications and are much easier to use. New employees therefore now require much less familiarisation time.

Employees also spend much less time manually checking performance codes. They now get automatic feedback from the application when the wrong code is entered. This saves a lot of time on figuring out and thus leaves more time for devising or integrating with other new services.

Easytocare’s IT team can maintain the new system itself thanks to the partnership with Bizzomate. Bizzomate taught them how to build high-quality low-code applications in a structured way using the agile method. In addition, there is now enough Mendix low-code knowledge on the team so they no longer depend on one person or one vendor to build and maintain applications.

Gert Beliën, Director ICT & Services: “We are very happy with the new platform. Our application landscape is now future-proof and we can help our customers more efficiently and faster. The various apps have been built generically so that in the future we can easily base new services on them. The cooperation with Bizzomate has also been good. They offer excellent support at both strategic and executive levels. The agile working method introduced by Bizzomate also served as an enabler for culture change. Working agile resulted in more involvement not only in the development of applications but also in the development of our organization as a whole.”

Erik Poels, consultant at Bizzomate: “We are very satisfied with the cooperation with Easytocare. Because Easytocare’s IT team had full focus on this project, we achieved maximum results. The new applications allow Easytocare to process medical professionals’ records much faster. This saves an awful lot of time. Moreover, the IT department has really turned a corner. From a standard IT support department, they have evolved into one that is actively engaged in application development and that delivers value to users and customers. They can be proud of that.”

Related services

  • Commissioning time drastically reduced
    User-friendly interface increases accessibility
  • Automatic feedback reduces search work
    Checks for incorrect entries save time
  • Low-code in-house
    Easytocare’s IT team is trained to maintain the application themselves

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