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Product Design

Product Design

Mendix’s Low-Code platform allows us to develop applications many times faster. By integrating product design into the process of developing a low-code application, you get practical solutions that benefit the needs of your end users. This increases the long-term success of the application. Design beautiful apps and take full advantage of the speed offered by Low-Code.

We will take you further!

Clear apps

Create an app that fits seamlessly and logically with the desired process.

Beautiful apps

Design an experience that truly delights the end user.

Apps that make a difference

Create a solution that sets your organization apart from the competition.

Expert Low-Code Designers!

At Bizzomate, we are more than just consultants; we are your partner in transformation. With our extensive expertise and proven approach, we provide the knowledge and support needed to design and develop new solutions.

We understand Low-Code. Our specialized designers design “pixel perfect” solutions, without losing the power of Low-Code. So we create solutions that make sense to use and that your customers love to use.


Shared understanding of Low-Code success

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What people say about us

We should have had this earlier! Not only do we now have a widely used application, but we also learned a lot from agile working, which we now apply in our other projects.

Rene van Goudzwaard

Hoofd Informatiemanagement bij TBI

We have regained oversight of our projects and we can manage our projects more efficiently, which brings us significantly closer to our overall goal of making fiber available to everyone in the country.

Martin Wanschers

COO bij Glaspoort

Thanks to Bizzomate’s expertise and an agile approach, we were able to fully leverage the power of Low-Code.

Martijn Mennen


I can honestly say that the selection of Mendix and Bizzomate for rapid software development has been crucial in achieving our goals.

Arjan van Limborgh

Product Owner Digital Business bij Royal IHC

We have managed to automate our contract management almost completely. This saves a great deal of time and gives us more time to focus fully on growing Maximus

Tom Visschers

CEO van Maximus

Think from the outside in

Design your Low-Code application from the user’s perspective. Surprise your customer with the right functionality, at the right time. A digital experience that lets you stand out.

Improved UX/UI

Consider the user experience from the beginning and create solutions that people enjoy using

Meet expectations

Everyone uses nice apps at home that are easy to use. This is also expected in the office and especially from suppliers.

Increase the chances of success

Digitizing is expensive. A functional design and experience that evokes the right feeling for your brand increases the chances of success of your app, service or product.

News & Insights

Frequently asked questions:

How can the use of service design techniques, such as personas and customer journey mapping, improve the functionality and interface of low-code applications?

The use of personas and customer journey mapping in service design provides insight into the user experience, leading to better aligned functionalities and interfaces in low-code developed applications.

What tools does Mendix offer to improve the product design of my application?

Mendix has a comprehensive system for building user interfaces. With an array of UI components and templates, and an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, developers can create designs quickly and without external tools.

In what ways does a low-code platform like Mendix contribute to consistent and scalable UI/UX design?

Mendix offers a wide range of UI components that enable designers to create consistent designs quickly and easily. This results in a well-maintainable design and a consistent user experience.

How can a product designer apply UX principles when working with Mendix?

While a developer has all the tools to create a design, a product designer specializes in researching user needs and balancing business objectives. Mendix supports these processes by enabling rapid translation from concept to prototype, with design standards as an integral part of the application(s).

What product design challenges can arise in low-code application development, and how can they be overcome?

While the pre-built building blocks of a low-code platform are powerful, they can sometimes be limiting for customization and flexibility. However, Mendix offers opportunities to make customizations outside of these standard components, allowing for a good balance between standardization and customization.

How does Mendix foster collaboration between different disciplines in a project?

Mendix improves collaboration between developers, designers and other stakeholders by allowing them to work in the same environment. As a result, communication is fast and frequent, and various roles can immediately see the results of each other’s work. Stakeholders can also be involved in progress and provide feedback through the Mendix web portal, resulting in user-centric product development.

Make something beautiful!

Pixel-perfect with Low-Code?
Our expert Low-Code designers will help you further.

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